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Managing Director

Mr Than Htay is the MD of MTM (Moe Tein Mann)Travels and Tours Company Ltd – a pioneer in Myanmar’s tourism industry.

He founded the company in 2011, and led it to become one of Myanmar’s leading companies for both inbound and outbound travelling. With Than's vision, MTM Travels and Tours became Myanmar’s travel agent to be accredited by the International Air Transport. MTM Travels and Tours is also the official Travel Agent for the Embassy of Malaysia in Myanmar. As an industry pioneer, Than' began his journey in tourism and hospitality in the 90s, when he started a range of VIP G to G Visit. He later invested in the Burma Gems , Than' has also worked with a number of global corporations to improve Myanmar’s tourism industry, and now MTM is the Myanmar partner of Attiq Travel Sdn.Bhd. (Malaysia). Than' graduated from the UPM - University of Putra Malaysia, with a Bachelor of Science and Technology.

Greetings from the Union of Myanmar!
“ I would like to welcome you to Myanmar(Burma)-the land of the Golden, the ultimate cradle of exploration. A trip to Myanmar is a lifetime journey for most of the visitors from different parts of the world. It is a nation of the highest mountains, highest lakes, rich and assorted culture, pristine biodiversity, beautiful art and architecture. You will be mesmerized by what you will see, what you feel and what you hear. Be prepared to be part in a life changing experience! ” - Managing Director's Message

It is our immense delight to guide you through this magical and mystical country. We are one of the best and most reliable tour operators based in Yangon, Myanmar. MTM Travels & Tours has been involved in travel business for over two decades. Our company has been at the forefront of travels and tours innovation, air ticketing, private road -rail transportation, charter services, ground logistics, tourism based MITC programs services and consistently offering a rich, unforgettable & a true Burmese experience to thousands of explorers and adventurers through a variety of tourism activities ranging from nature, culture to adventure.

The very foundation of our business is based on the three pillars of sustainable tourism: biodiversity conservation, local development and national contribution. We are committed to ensure the local communities receive utmost benefit out of every tourist. Since its inception in 2011, our company has been consistently offering rich, diverse and memorable Rangoon( Burma) experiences to thousands of explorers and adventurers. We offer regular adventure trips as well as customized tours, treks and expedition in Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, China, Bangladesh and India. We are committed to developing tourism in a way that is environmentally friendly, locally responsible and economically viable.

We are a member of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI)

We are a member of Union of Myanmar Travel Association (UMTA)

We are a member of Malaysia - Myanmar Business Chamber (MMBC)

We are actively engaged in advancing technology so we can help you and your business rise to the many challenges of our future world.

Add to that, we are dedicated towards offering the safest and highest quality services in combination with returning value for your investment. We want our clients to experience the pleasure and a deep sense of satisfaction in their passion for Rangoon, Burma Adventures.

We highly encourage all adventure enthusiasts and holiday makers to contact us. You can phone us, drop an e-mail or pop along in our office located in Yangon. You will be able to find more programs of your interests by logging on to our website.

I look forward to welcoming you on this magical Burma journey and yearning you a memorable and fun-filled stay in Myanmar!

Consequently, we strongly request our all valued visitors/guest to contact us through phone, email or visit our office in person. We always work hard to provide you the quality service to make your trip enjoyable straight from our heart. We would be charmed to hear from you and look forward to designing and planning a memorable Holiday’s itinerary for you. “We leave no stone unturned to slake your thirst and passion for travel in the Rangoon, Burma ”.

“ We leave no stone unturned to slake your thirst and passion for travel in the Rangoon, Burma ”. - Managing Director's Message